How descendants of Michel Callihoo are working to re-establish the Band they lost more than 60 years ago
tân'si everyone! MCNS Director Brandy Callihoo sat down with the CBC's Nancy Carlson to discuss the history of Michel Band #472, our...
How descendants of Michel Callihoo are working to re-establish the Band they lost more than 60 years ago
Michel Band society looks for scattered descendants as it pushes to re-establish First Nation
Please join MCNS and ISC at our registration event on May 31st
Second-Generation Cut-off Consultation with Canada
Status Application
Bill C-38: An Act to amend the Indian Act
Bill C-31 and C-3
Section 17(1)(b) of the Indian Act as a means of recognition
Bill S-3: Eliminating known sex-based inequities in registration
Indian Act Section 110 & 112:
Exploratory Discussions with Canada